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Projects for the Empowerment of Women

1. St. Bridget’s Institute of Home Nursing: (since 2007)

The Institute, situated in Aldona, Bardez, aims to empower young women through skills of self employment and management of homes. The Institute conducts a one year Home Nursing Diploma Course. The Course begins in July and ends in June of the following year. Minimum qualification for the course is attempted matriculation, however mostly higher secondary students avail of the facilities. The Institute provides boarding facilities and caters to young girls of all religions. More than 20 young ladies are being trained at this Institute every year. 

2. Self – Help groups: (since 2001)

Caritas-Goa has reached out to women at the grass roots by establishing Self Help Groups (SHG’s) predominantly in OBC / Scheduled Tribe populated areas. Awareness programmes, seminars, training sessions are conducted to help women get organised and use their own resources and efforts to become self-reliant. They are engaged in micro-savings, micro-credits and income generation programmes. Many of the families have become self-reliant through the various programs organised through the SHGs. Some of them have become the members of the Panchayat Body as a result of our interventions.

3. “Obra de Proteccao a Mulher” (OPM) (Protection Home for Women. (since 1981)

OPM, Nachinola is a Central Government recognized Institution. Through this Institution, Caritas-Goa meets the needs of the unwed mothers to offer care and protection to their children. The Women are counseled, given medical attention as required, hospitalized and are taken care after the delivery. Thus they are protected from social criticism and ostracization. The Archdiocese entrusted the running of O.P.M. to Caritas-Goa in 1981. Every year an average of 20 unwed mothers are admitted at the Institution and they remain in the Institution till their delivery.

4. Guardianship of Relinquished Babies/Children. (since 1981)

Caritas-Goa is an approved Adoption Agency by CARA (Central Adoption Resource Agency), New Delhi, for placing of Babies/Children in Guardianship of both Indian and Foreign Guardians. This project is a sister project of O.P.M. The Organisation follows the procedures and rules laid down under the prevailing Guardianship Acts (1890, 1956) and the Guidelines for Adoption 2015. This project brings happiness both to the concerned adults (adoptive parents), and the babies/children, ensuring a safe and fruitful future for each baby/child. On an average 20 babies are relinquished by the mothers and they are given in adoption to Indian and Foreign couples every year.

What We Do