- Phone No: +91 9422362627
Community Health is a core issue of the Social Apostolate in Goa. Caritas-Goa is a member of the Catholic Health Association of India and has been instrumental in activating the Goa Unit. One of the important aspects of concern is the care of HIV/AIDS. Caritas-Goa is running two Community Care Centres:
1. ASRO-Tivim (since 2002)
It is the Community Care Centre for Children living with HIV/AIDS at Tivim, Bardez. At the community care centre, we provide wholistic care who mostly orphans or whose parents are unable to care as they themselves are infected with HIV/AIDS. The children attend regular school and after their SSC are then assisted to pursue their higher education. Eventually they begin to become independent and begin to work with the intention to begin family life.
2. ASRO-Cavelossim (since 2004)
Another Community Care Centre was begun at Cavelossim to cater to the needs of adults living with HIV/AIDS. It was initiated with the support from the National Aids Control Organisation (NACO) facilitated through the Goa State Aids Control Society (GSACS). Subsequently, after the NACO support was stopped, Caritas Goa, for three years, ventured into vigorous promotion of community care in villages, and then services at the Centre were discontinued in 2015.
3. Home Nursing Services: (since 2007)
The Home Nursing Course is modeled on the belief that the elderly citizens would benefit by staying at their homes among their loved ones instead of being moved to geriatric care services in aged homes. It also creates gainful employment and helps young men and women build a career and support their families financially. Home Nursing services are nowadays considered an important arm of medical and social services since with population aging the numbers of elderly citizens is on the rise. Also, as older adults live longer they are more prone to chronic diseases and require regular and routine care.
Our course strength was 20 nurses per year, from last year we have increased the intake to 40 seats. Over the past nine years we were able to engage with nearly 1000 families through our home nursing services.
Categories: What We Do