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Caritas-Goa – A Report

The Archdiocese of Goa and Daman rendered service to the people in Christian Social Formation and in Charitable and Welfare Works through Caritas Portuguesa till 1961.
The historic events in December 1961 resulted in the departure of the Portuguese.

Always sensitive to the needs of God’s children and committed to their holistic welfare, the then Archbishop-Patriarch, Don Jose Vieira Alvernaz immediately established Caritas-Goa and constituted a Commission on 3rd January 1962 through Portaria No.2-62, comprising:
Mons. Dr. Raul Nicolau Gonsalves
Fr. Gilberto Jose Salvador Ribeiro
Fr. Alberto Caetano Santana Pompeia Luis, as Members.
The Commission office was housed in the Paco Patriarcal, Panjim in the area now occupied by Seccao das Confrarias. Fr. Gilberto was the Secretary of the Commission. The welfare work and education of children continued with little interruption, despite the prevailing circumstances. The Commission office, Saligao Seminary and Lar dos Estudantes were the storage and distribution Centres for food and other material sent by the Catholic Relief Services. Fr. Joao Pedro Fernandes, although not a Member of the Commission, was very much involved in the work. When Archbishop-Patriarch Alvernaz left Goa in March, 1962, Mons. Francisco Xaviar da Piedade Rebelo was put in Charge of the Archdiocese.

Mons. Raul Gonsalves undertook the responsibility with the other members, of locating and rendering all possible assistance. The Papal Nuncio, Cardinal Knox visited Goa often.

Following the sudden demise of Fr. Gilberto Ribeiro on 19th July 1969, Fr. Cirilo Pascoal Pereira S. F. X. was appointed Director of Caritas-Goa vide Portaria No.93-69 of 19th August 1969. Fr. Pereira expanded the activities of the Centre to meet the growing needs of the Disabled and the Poor. The Relief work was expanded to giving of Subsidies for Animal Husbandry Projects.
Caritas-Goa was registered as a Society under Societies Registration Act 1860 under the Act Sl. No.336 on 8th November 1971 and was established on 18th November 1971.
Msgr. Alberto C.S.P.L. Luis was appointed Director through Portaria No. CP-P/109/79 dated 1st August 1979, to replace Fr. C. Pereira, sfx. Beginning his association as a member of the newly established Caritas-Goa in January 1962 and serving till 1964, Msgr. Luis returned to it, at its helm after a gap of fifteen years. As he took charge of the Institution, he dedicated his time and energy to the upliftment of the disadvantaged, neglected and oppressed.
Fr. Valeriano Vaz took over from Msgr. Alberto Luis from 1st June 2001 as the Director of Caritas-Goa and continues to dedicate his time and energy for the upliftment of the maginalized.

The Major Projects of Caritas-Goa are:

1. A “Obra de Proteccao a Mulher” (OPM) (Service for Protection of Women) was established in 1942 (Statutes published in the Ecclesiastical Gazette). Originally the Home was at Birondem, Valpoi. Unwed mothers were sheltered there till the delivery. Orphan and abandoned babies, destitute and ill-treated women were also housed there. It was raised to the status of a full-fledged Institution in April 1947 and entrusted to the Congregation of Franciscan Hospitaller Sisters in Goa. It was maintained through contributions of the Public. The house at Birondem being small, and the wife of the then Governor taking keen interest the Home was shifted to Altinho, Panjim. Provedoria de Assistencia Publica began giving substantial donation since 1952. Somewhere in 1962 the Provedoria lent a house in Merces and until 1988 OPM functioned there. At this stage the house at Merces was returned to the Provedoria and the Institution was shifted to Nachinola, Bardez in a house donated by the Coelho family of Nachinola. Presently the day to day running of OPM is entrusted to the Congregation of Sisters Adorers and Caritas-Goa funds the Project.

1. B. Guardianship of Relinquished Babies/Children: Caritas-Goa is recognised by the Government of India as an Agency for placing of Babies/Children in Guardianship of both Indian and Foreign Guardians (Parents), under the prevailing Acts. (1890, 1956) Relinquished babies/children are given in guardianship following the procedures laid down. A lawyer, a social worker and staff of Caritas-Goa office help in the process on behalf of Caritas-Goa. Elaborate “Home Study” and “Child Study” are conducted by the Social Worker to ensure that the child will fit comfortably in the new home. This Project brings happiness both to the babies/children and the concerned adults, besides ensuring a safe and fruitful future for each baby/child.

2. Catholic Relief Services:
(A) Nutrition Scheme: In the course of years, small units were established in over 100 Institutions, like Orphanages and Homes for the Aged run by Religious Men and Women and some Schools. Food in the form of Bulgur Wheat, Soyabean Flour, Oil, Milk Powder were distributed. Biscuits and cheese were also distributed in the earlier years. At the Sub-centers and Schools there was a scheme for cooking raw food and feeding the children.
(B) Mother and Child Care Scheme: Supplementary Food was distributed at 26 Centers for deserving pregnant women and children up to the age of five years. The Social-Worker of Caritas-Goa visited these Centers once/twice a month, to monitor the Health of the children like keeping records of weight, etc., to give specific Health Education to the Mothers. They also organized Health Camps. Presently these Schemes have been discontinued but there is likelihood of it being revived in the near future

3. Prosthetic, Orthotic Centre and Physiotherapy Centre: There was a great need of the Physically Disabled for Mobility Equipment. Hence Caritas-Goa established a Centre to manufacture and provide Artificial limbs and other aids like Crutches, Callipers etc. with aid from World Rehabilitation Fund, USA on 28th October 1978. The Centre was situated at the “Salao Cristo Rei” (Christ the King Centre)in the property of Mitra de Sta. Ines. This Centre met the growing needs of all physically disabled not only in Goa but the neighbouring areas and still continues to do so. The Centre was shifted to Old Goa in 1993.
The Physiotherapy Unit, opened on 5th March 1982 renders service to persons orthopaedically disabled/affected and post operative therapy. It has the necessary equipment for therapy like short wave diathermy, paraffin wax bath, infrafill rays, stimulator, traction, shoulder wheel, skates, quadriceps, bicycles, pulleys, constarotary machine and grip developer. A qualified therapist runs the unit. An Orthopaedic Surgeon renders consultative service, on a voluntary basis on fixed days.

4. (A) Centre for the Handicapped, Kadamba Plateau, Old Goa: Fr. Cirilo Pereira was instrumental in establishing the Centre for the Handicapped with a Training-cum Production Unit. The foundation stone was laid on 21-12- 1975 by Msgr. Dr. Raul N. Gonsalves, Apostolic Administrator ‘sede vacante’. It was a memorial of the 13th Exposition of the Relics of St. Francis Xavier (1974-75). The Centre was formally inaugurated in 1976 and began functioning with 15 inmates both boys and girls, between the ages of 12 and 35 years, admitted irrespective of caste and creed. The day to day running of the Centre was entrusted to the Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of Christ the King and later to the Diocesan Congregation of Sisters of Holy Family of Nazareth, Sancoale. In the beginning (1) Tailoring & Embroidery (2) Fibre work (3) Animal Husbandry (Dairy, Poultry, Piggery) (4) Candle making were started and (5) Carpentry (6) Welding were undertaken on a small scale. Printing technology, Welding and Metal works (grills, stands, etc.) Baking & Confectionery Units were introduced in 1978. Later chalk making was introduced. All the above were registered with the concerned Govt. Authorities in March 1983. The number of inmates increased and the Training and Production Programme was very successful.

4 (B) St. Xavier’s Academy: To meet the needs of differently abled children, classes were begun for Hearing Impaired, Orthopaedically Handicapped, Mentally Retarded and Learning Disabled children commencing with the Pre-Primary in June 1984, under the Management of the Diocesan Society of Education. The Special School for the above groups was inaugurated by the Archbishop-Patriarch in 1986. Recognition for the Primary School was obtained from the Govt. for the Academic year 1988-89 and progressively for Standards up to VIII each year. The last one has also been recognised by the Goa High & Higher Secondary Education Board, besides the Directorate of Education. The classrooms are equipped with necessary installations. Some Teachers are Trained and the other untrained ones get in service-training as a temporary measure. They are then requested to do the Special Training at any recognised Institute in India.
The students of the Academy are given opportunities to compete with other children
like them and with normal children in Inter Special Sports and those organised by other Agencies as well as in Art. They have won many Trophies and Certificates, proving that they are given opportunities for their integral development. They have amazed audiences even in Delhi with their cultural performances, specially dancing.

4 C) National Open School: Once the students successfully completed Std. VIII, it was seen that they would find it difficult to follow the formal syllabus upto Std. X. Yet the Centre wanted that these differently abled children, capable of higher studies should get the opportunity. Hence in 1995 the Academy was registered under the National Open School, New Delhi for Std. X in two Sections: (A) Academic (B) Vocational. The students fared very well and in 1997 they were registered for Std. XII. This facility was thrown open to other normal children who would have become “School dropouts”. So far, this Scheme has benefited a good number of handicapped children along with some normal children.
Caritas-Goa was given a National Award in Public recognition of the valuable services to the community rendered in the field of Child Welfare on 18th March, 1988 by the Ministry of Human Resource Development Department of Women and Child Development, New Delhi.

5. Caritas Complex:
The old Christ the King Hall at St. Inez, in the property of the Archdiocese, was demolished and a modern three storied building was constructed and inaugurated on 25th September 1993. The projects there are:
A. Physiotherapy Centre was allotted sufficient space on the Ground Floor to continue the work begun in 1982, with additional modernized equipment.

B. Caritas-Goa Holiday Home: This project aims at generating employment, funds (self-reliance) for the Caritas Staff and at providing clean and safe accommodation to Tourists at reasonable rates. Handicapped youth are employed for jobs within their capabilities in the Maintenance Department and other qualified/competent unemployed persons are taken in the Managerial, Administrative, House-keeping and Security Departments.

C. The Conference Hall on the topmost floor is a good facility for Seminars,
Workshops, Meetings, etc. The same facility is also provided on the terrace (roof top).

D) The terrace garden also serves as a good place for small gatherings / celebrations.

6. Training-cum-Production Centre for the Handicapped: It is an ambitious Project for the benefit of Handicapped Youth specially to equip them with skills for self employment. The project is located in the Ancestral Mansion of the Santana de Ribeiro family, who donated the house for the cause. Ms. Esther da Santana Ribeiro funded the necessary repairs and renovation to suit the needs of the Project. The same are near completion and Project is expected to be launched in the Academic Year 2002-2003.
Other Projects undertaken by Caritas-Goa are:
1. Vocational Training Centre for Women – Outlet for articles prepared by the handicapped at Old Goa. In July 1981, the Director of Caritas-Goa was given charge of the Archdiocesan house in Panjim, named Instituto de Nossa Senhora de Piedade. A room was allotted for exhibition and sale of various articles prepared by the inmates of the Centre for the Handicapped, Old Goa. The articles were hand-embroidered bed and table linen, jute and banana fibre bags, center pieces, floor mats, bamboo baskets and lamp shades, etc.
• Domestic Science short-term courses in :
a) Cooking (Indian, Chinese and Continental) was started for women of all ages.
b) Batik – printing of garments and greeting cards was introduced with two students.
c) Tailoring and Machine Embroidery were started in April 1982, with eighteen girls
specially those from far away villages. This Unit along with the Sale outlet was entrusted to the Congregation of the Franciscan Hospitaller Sisters. Sewing machines and other material were supplied by Caritas-Goa. Besides free accommodation and other facilities, the girls were remunerated. The Tailoring and Embroidery courses were also open to other women of all ages. They were all given a Certificate on completion of the course. The Cooking and Batik-printing Units were closed down after some years but the Tailoring Course and Embroidery Courses continued. The running of the Centre was entrusted to the Congregation of the Franciscan Missionaries of Christ the King in the mid-eighties. Presently the Tailoring and Embroidery Courses and the Sale outlet continues. The Sisters take orders for making various ladies’ garments, embroidery items and Church vestments. Three ladies/girls are employed for the last mentioned work.
2. Community Development Project at Baida, Chinchinim:
A. A community development Project was initiated at Baida, Chinchinim for the economically backward ethnic community there, with the help of priests and nuns of the Parish to run it. Special classes were conducted for children and youth. Girls were taught sewing and embroidery. A Carpentry unit was begun.

B. Housing Colony for the Homeless: This is a Project funded by Fondation Enfants Espoir, Switzerland, in 1987. A plot of land admeasuring 8,000 sq. mts. was bought from a private party under Sale Deed No. 2078 of 26th November 1987. In the course of five/six years, 34 houses were built out of which 6 are “chawl form”. 34 homeless families of the Gawda community were given ownership. Follow-up were continued till the various problems were solved and the Colony was well settled.

3. Other Community Development Projects: Potable water and water for irrigation enabling unemployed and underemployed people to be agriculturally self-reliant were implemented with the participation of the respective communities in places like Aradi (Parra), Maina (Curtorim), Cuncolim, Korvem-Gaondongrem (Canacona) and Old Goa.

4. St. Bridget’s Institute of Home Science is a Project of Caritas-Goa, for the empowerment of women. A Soares family from Porvorim had donated a landed property in Aldona to Caritas-Goa. The Project was initially set up by a lay Social Worker, Ms. Suzan D’Souza, M.S.W., in June 1989. She conducted the courses very efficiently for

three years. In July 1992 it was entrusted to the Religious Congregation of “Daughters of the Heart of Mary” (Nirmala’s, Panjim). Presently, the Institute conducts a Home Science Certificate Course of ten months.
The subjects taught are Tailoring, Embroidery, Fabric-Painting, Cookery, Flower-making, Needlecraft and Handicraft, Crochet, Knitting, Tie & Dye, First-Aid, Family Health Care and Mother Craft, Personality Development, Consumer Education and Gardening. The essentials for admission preferably are a High School Certificate. However, exceptional candidates with average Intellectual capacity (knowledge of English) and a sincere desire to acquire self promotional skills are considered. Those from far are provided residential facilities.

Services co-ordinated by Caritas-Goa.
1. Holy Childhood Association: The Director of Caritas-Goa is appointed as the Diocesan Director for Holy Childhood for this Archdiocese. He is entrusted with the responsibility of disbursing the subsidy received from the Pontifical Society of the Missionary Childhood through the Apostolic Nunciature in New Delhi to deserving children under the age of 14, through Institutions like the Diocesan Society of Education, as and when they apply for the same. The money is provided for the rehabilitation of the disabled and the needy (both Academic and Vocational) as also corrective surgery and specialized treatment. Applications of individual cases are considered when recommended by the respective Parish Priest.

2. Trust of Nicolau Sobrinho:
The Nicolau Sobrinho Trust is an endowment made by Mr. Nicolau Sobrinho to Caritas-Goa in 1968. The interest accrued on the amount is used:
a) to assist deserving girls with financial help towards preparation for marriage.
b) poor persons for medical treatment and personal needs. (with appropriate recommendation)

3. Pulse Polio Immunization: Awareness campaign.
Caritas-Goa assists Government Agencies in awareness campaigns through Circulars, and other Programmes.

Relief Work after Calamities:
Caritas-Goa co-ordinates the relief operations for victims of calamities like Maharashtra Earthquake, Latur in 1993; Prevention against plague, (garbage disposal) 1994; Andhra Pradesh cyclone, 1996; Floods in Davorlim, (Navelim), Velim, 1997; Saurashtra, Kutch earthquake, 1998; North India floods, 1998; Kargil, Kashmir, 1999; Floods in Bicholim, 1999; Orissa cyclone, 1999.

Social Welfare and Animation Projects:
Another service Caritas-Goa renders in the Archdiocese is to process all Social Welfare and Animation Projects to be recommended to Funding Agencies, with due approval of the Ecclesiastical Authorities.